“Had to scroll a sadly long amount of time to find this comment. Lucy ran so so many could fly. Both on and offscreen."—SithMarauder “The show has held up remarkably well for its age — it does date itself sometimes, but most of the humor is really timeless."—TheLakeAndTheGlass “Yes, Lucy McGillicuddy Ricardo should forever be at the top of the list. She’ll always be the GOAT.” —LadyChatterteeth
“I mean it’s one banana, Michael. What could it cost, $10?” —fineapple_pineapple_ “Her role on Archer was basically a continuation of her Arrested Development character, and we all loved her for it!” —LinksMilkBottle
“Will Arnett did a fantastic job of playing the confident idiot."—woozlewuzzle29
“THIS!! Every character on Arrested Development was phenomenal. But GOB was the Lord of Lords. Best sitcom ever.” —partytown_usa “Sophia was pure gold!” —New_Employer_4262 “Picture it: Sicily. 1922…” —realdealreel9 “I HAVE BEEN POISONED BY MY CONSTITUENTS!” —elting44 “I was thinking Frank Reynolds, but Charlie Kelly was a close second. All the characters in that show are so fucking good.” —chahud “‘I’ve been in a number of cults, some as a leader and some as a follower. You have more fun as a follower, but you make more money as a leader.’” —iheavysigh “-‘I like your glasses.’-‘Well, they’re not for sale.’"—the_muppets_took_me “‘That’s a nice tnetennba.’"—AFunkyRhythm
“This role and Walter White really display how extraordinary of an actor Bryan Cranston is! His range is on a whole other level!” —phantom_avenger “Not to mention Dr. Whatley on Seinfeld.” —nicocote “‘Why is nobody having fun? I specifically requested it!’"—takoyaki_depressants “I came to this thread with a different answer in mind, but this is clearly the correct answer."—-EpicEv- —blakethegr8
“‘Shut up, baby; I know it!’” —LadyMegatron “He has the best chuckle in television history.” —Pillybaxtoodles “He’s one of the few people I can happily say I look up to.” —stefonio “Some of the absolute finest writing in comedy. Ever.” —Signal_A “Another show where I want to nominate the entire cast."—martinpagh “Abed is not only an extremely unique character, but his perspectives are what gave us so many of the non-traditional sitcom episodes in Community, which is why it’s my favorite. Abed is the best.” —Tigerskippy “Karen is incredible.” —sydd321 “My favorite from Karen: ‘I’m going to take the high road here, and not just because I’m high.’” —Ida_Blownem “No one compares, do they? I love her!"—FilofaxB “‘Believe it or not, George isn’t at home; please leave a messaaaage at the beep.’"—waffle-monster “I’m a huge Seinfeld fan and think it’s insane that Michael Richards won three Emmy Awards while Jason Alexander won zero. Insane."—CPOx “Was watching it with the Mrs. for the third or fourth time, and I still can’t get over just how good her physical comedy chops are. She and Dan Levy could do a scene hardly saying anything that had me in stitches.” —BayRadburyy “It’s a show FULL of great characters. All four Roses, Roland, Stevie, so many of the secondary characters are excellent.” —SherrickM
“Miss Chanandler Bong."—sianie706 “Chandler also grew most as a character compared to the vast majority of other characters listed. Dealing with his parents, learning to be in a relationship, and especially his conversation with the girl they’re adopting the babies from are just great."—spartankelli “Can’t believe this hasn’t been upvoted more. It’s definitely Homer.” —levlucheech “In my opinion the greatest TV character ever."—Eferver