I saw a round of mini golf for $40. Happy hour beers are $10 ($15+ otherwise). And don’t get me started on accommodation. I know wages are fairly high here, but not that high?! How on earth are you guys surviving out here? I was planning on staying a year or so, but I genuinely don’t know if I can afford it." I don’t go out to movies anymore. Not to say I stay home all the time, but I’ll take the dog to the beach, go for a hike, go to a friend’s house rather than participate in things that cost money. Sure, it’s not a lavish lifestyle, but with a newborn and single income family for now, these were pretty easy ways to save money without a big compromise on lifestyle." —u/MrSheeeen —u/yeh_nah_fuckit —u/Visible-Freedom-6176 —u/taniastar “Aussie who moved to NZ and cost of living here is mental. Costs me $150 to fill up my ute, $350 a week for groceries (have a baby so formula/nappies don’t help), but VB is cheaper here than in Melbourne at least. We scraped together a deposit for a ’60s house just before lockdown and are we lucky — the supposed value is hovering around $800K now. We couldn’t possibly afford even a modest home in 2023.” —u/The-Gobbledok